
Sports and Culturals  

DATE: 17.08.2023

TIME: 9:00 am to 04:00 pm 

Theme : “Let’s make breastfeeding and work, work!”

GUEST:  Rev , Dr. Thomas AVazhapilly , Rev Fr. Denise D’souza , . Mrs. Agatha Smith  D’souza, Nursing officer of district hospital Mysore  ,Members on the dais were Fr. Manual D’Souza , Fr. Roxan Thomas Baros, Mrs Mamatha D G and Sr. Lucy.

            The Culturals and sports was conducted from 17.08.2023 to 19/08/2023.The First 2 days was culturals followed by sports on other one day. The inaugural programme started with prayer song and Rev Dr. Thomas A Vazhapilly declared opened the cultural and Sports events name “INFINITO”. There was Solo dance ,Pick and Speak , followed afternoon events was comedy skit solo singing, group singing and Finally fashion show.First day Programme concluded by 4:30 pm.

            The Second day, Cultrural Programme started at 9:00 am Events was Ramp wlak , debate and monoact. In addition , Off stage programme – Hair Style , Mehandi , Poster Presentation , vegetable curving , Health out of waste , Drawing and rangali competition these all events was held in morning session. Afternoon events were memory Test . chess for boys and girls, caroms . Here by 2nd day Cultural programme was concluded.

            Third Day Programme were conducted for Teachers by the students ,Musical Chair ,Bomb in the city ,Blind folded and Tennikoit .In afternoon Cricket was Conducted for Boys .Sport meet begin at 9:00 am with March –Past  by 4 groups of the students at St. Philomena’s ground. The sports meet was ingurated by our Chief Guest . Mrs. Agatha Smith  D’souza, Nursing officer of district hospital Mysore. Along with Fr. Manual D’souza and Fr. Roxan Thomas Baros .and Mrs. Mamatha D.G There was  sports , athletic events ,In addition , discuss throw , short put and long jump was Conducted 

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