
Students will wear clean, neat and presentable clothing. All the students are expected to observe the dress code – college uniform while attending the lectures/practical’s//library/labs and formal function of the institution. The dress should be neat, clean and pressed. Girls Hair (beyond shoulder length) to be tied up.

Not permitted for Girls- Tight fitting dirty jeans, Torn trousers touching the floor, Shorts, Revealing deep tops/ Spaghetti top/ Sleeveless tops/shirts/ t-shirts Short Salwar, Sleeveless dresses, leggings, Short Jeggings, tight and tattered Jeans,  Half Pants

Not permitted for boys – T-Shirts, Tight fitting dirty jeans, Caps, Chappals/Sports shoes x Skirts, Shorts, Ear-rings, Finger Rings, Bands, Pony tails, Trousers with 6 or more pockets, no fashionable hair cutting is permitted.

Clothing depicting illegal drugs, alcohol, profane language, racial, sexual & vulgar suggestions (applicable for boys & girls). In case of violation of the dress code, the student concerned will be asked to leave the academic session. Wearing caps and shorts, eating, chewing and drinking during the class is strictly forbidden.

All boys must come to college with beard clean shaven/trimmed during theory/Practical/Skill Classes and during examination as well. All Nursing students should follow the prescribed dress code during the theory classes and formal dress code on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s.

Students must wear the ID Card along with their uniform. Female students must put up their hair or use hair bands if the hair is short. They must keep their nails short and not to use nail polish or ornaments like bangles, finger rings etc.. only single small ear studs and long chains that go inside the dress may be worn, anklets are not allowed while on clinical duty.

Girls and boys must wear the footwear prescribed as part of the uniform. They will carry in their pocket articles for their use in clinical practices.