
Anti Ragging

UGC Regulation on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institution under section 26(1)(G) of the University Grants Commission act 1956.

  1. Following measures are taken by the institution to prevent ragging. 1. Written notice expressing that ragging is totally prohibited in institution.
  2. Thos who are found guilty of ragging/abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging is liable to be punished in accordance with these regulations as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force.
  3. Student will be expelled or debarred from the admission of the institution in which they are proved of ragging and disobeyed the code of conduct of the institution.
  4. Students should not include in any political propaganda or involve themselves in any public mobs, if found so, will be debarred/dismissed from the institution.


Students shall abide by the rules, regulations and code of conduct prescribed by the Institution, as in force from time to time and subsequent changes/ modifications/amendments made there to. Failure on the part of the students to keep up with the disciplinary rules will result in appropriate punishment including expulsion from the college as may be imposed by the College Disciplinary Committee. If, in the opinion of the Class co-ordinator, a student is not likely to benefit by continuing in the college or is considered to be detrimental to the best interest of the Institutions, the management may order such student to leave the College. No fees paid of the students will be refunded. The management’s decision in this regard shall be final. Harassment will not be tolerated. Harassment, whether written, verbal, sexual physical, emotional, or racial, is a serious offence and will be treated as such.

Members of Ant-Ragging Committee at the College are Following:

Rev. Msgr. Alfred John Mendonca, Vicar General

Rev. Fr. Manuel D’Souza, Director 

Rev. Fr. Roxan Thomas Baros, Administrator 

Mrs. Mamatha D.G, Principal 

Mrs. Hemalatha, Advocate & Notary 

Nursing Superintendent, St. Joseph’s Hospital 

Sr. Lucy, Warden 

Mrs. Molly Furtado, MSW, ODP 

Mrs. Jishy Vijaya Kumar Community Health 

Mr. Yogesh Kumar C